Might as Well Drop Her and let Her Die!

Just then, Xu Yingying suddenly shouted out, "You guys aren't curious why Jiang Yi called off the engagement with Qiao Qing? It was because there was a rumour that she hid a man in her house!"

What she had said meant Qiao Qing was a promiscuous woman.

"Aye~" One girl chimed in, "Xu Yingying, are you okay? Why are you always targeting our big sis Qiao? Who wouldn't want to hide and treasure a man like that?"

"Exactly! If a man like that liked me, why would I want Jiang Yi? I would dump him right there."

Jiang Yi, "..."

Did these people just treat him like he didn't exist?

"That man is literally the reincarnation of a seductive demon! If I had such a devious being around me, I wouldn't even come to class!"

"Before, they claimed that Jiang Yi dumped Qiao Qing. Now, it looks like they got it backwards!"