Trust, Okay?

"W… What…" The doctor was dumbfounded, "Director Tan, you know this girl?"

Tan Qiu ignored him and bent his body lower, "Ms. Qiao, you are here because…?"

Qiao Qing responded, "Are all the doctors you hire such low quality?"

The doctor exploded again upon hearing this, "Who are you cursing at?!"

"You, shut up!"

Tan Qiu scolded and then smiled alongside Qiao Qing, "Ms. Qiao, Dr. Zhou is young and doesn't know how to talk nicely. But to pay before any surgery is performed is the hospital's rule."

"There wouldn't be an exception made no matter which hospital you visit. As doctors, we are only responsible to treat patients. We have no power to make exceptions."

Qiao Qing snickered, "That's why I asked how much money. Why didn't he answer?!"