Does Big Sis Qiao Need a Girlfriend? I Volunteer!!

Everyone turned their head to look and found Lin Xiyan to be standing by the door with her backpack on.

Qiao Qing frowned. "Shut up!"

"Qingqing, I know you are being considerate on my behalf, but I don't want you to face all the consequences alone after I benefit from your kindness!"

Lin Xiyan inhaled deeply and faced the class, "The time by the school entrance, Qiao Qing hurt someone because Liao Shanshan brought a group of people to bully me. If you don't believe me, you can watch the surveillance video."

"Qiao Qing might have to go to Juvenile detention center? Bullies from this school should be the ones who go! If anyone should be expelled, it should be Liao Shanshan! Qiao Qing was merely passing by and chose to help me!"

After those words, Liang Min was a little stunned while the entire class broke into clamor.

Lin Xiyan continued, "This morning, Qingqing also left class early to help me. My dad…"