Face Slapping

All the students who heard the commotion went outside to see what was going on.

Someone asked, "Who's Ms. Jiang? Why are Bro Yang and our English teacher both so emotional?"

Someone else hit his elbow, "Have you gone dumb? That's the number one ranked teacher on the Honorable Teachers' Roll. It's a legendary level teacher from our school. You don't know?"

"Oh my god! It's actually Ms. Jiang! I heard about her often from my dad. I cannot believe there would come a day when I get to see her in real life!"

In the City of Brisk High School, there were two legendary existences.

One was a student, the other was a teacher.

The student was the Qiao Zibo during his student days.

The teacher was his English teacher at the time, Jiang Huixun.

During the time Jiang Huixun taught, her class would end up in the number one spot regardless of the student composition of the class, or the size of the exam.