Then, how Do You Feel about My Son?

"Hmm, I wasn't the one who led the parent-teacher meeting last time. I only heard later about what happened. But, I am not Ms. Liang. I would never take a kid's statement that seriously. After all, I am familiar with how Qiao Qing normally behaves. But, Ms. Jiang, based on what you said, you seem to know Qiao Qing?"

"I do know her."

Jiang Huixun didn't shy away from the question. However, she didn't explain a whole lot and only looked at Yang Lianfeng with a profound expression.

"Mr. Yang, you are pretty lucky."

Yang Lianfeng was completely confused by what she said and thought she was talking about the change of teacher. 

He smiled. "Of course, to be able to partner up with Ms. Jiang has used up my lifetime's worth of luck!"

Jiang Huixun shook her head helplessly but didn't explain more.

Just then, the bell rang.