The Exam

Liang Min held onto her nose and retreated. She then gritted through her teeth, "You savage students! It's fortunate that you are no longer my responsibility!"

Then, she coldly hissed and walked away.

Yang Lianfeng gave everyone a grin and did not comment. 

He flipped open the textbook, "Let's start our lesson…"

After Yang Lianfeng's class, Luo Chen put a stack of notebooks on Qiao Qing's desk.

"Qingqing, you should take a look at Lin Xiyan's notes. She took them with so much detail and it's easy to understand. Even though I haven't finished looking through them, I already find it easier to solve exam questions."

Seeing that Qiao Qing did nothing about it, he continued, "I have read through these ones. It's actually helpful."

Only then did Qiao Qing take the notes, "How are your baths going?"

Luo Chen answered, "At first, it hurt a little. But it's much better now. Wait, just when will you start teaching me ancient martial art?"