You have Good Grades, You Can be Impetuous

Jiang Huixun's words acted like a bomb that exploded inside the office.

Qiao Qing couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Liang Min's face turned white immediately, "Ms. Jiang, you…"

"What about me? Aren't I speaking the truth?" Jiang Huixun's tone was harsh and demanding.

"Since we were student and teacher once, I tried to talk to you and I even warned you. However, you refused to listen to me and continued to give this kid a hard time. I've done my part – don't blame me for blowing your cover."

A female teacher screamed, "Oh my god! Ms. Liang had such a past? I cannot even imagine someone as tough as Ms. Liang pursuing someone herself!"

"Though I was never in the same class as Qiao Zibo when I was young, I was lucky enough to meet him once. He was handsome and expressed himself well as well. He was the God to so many girls. It doesn't surprise me that Ms. Liang fancied him."