Have You Gone Crazy or Have I?

Though that mark wasn't high, the exam this time was very difficult so that score was considered decent. 

The next few marked answer sheets only had scores in double digits. 

When it came to Lin Xiyan's, finally it was an exam with triple digits, 112. 

When it was time for his own, Jiang Yi sighed in relief. 

116 - higher than both of the girls. 

It seemed like in math, he placed first in this class. 

After that, he didn't care much about the other people's scores anymore as he handed the rest out mechanically.

When it got the god-knows-which answer sheet, his hand suddenly froze. 

Staring at the visible 150 marked up top, for the first time ever, he felt like he didn't recognize this arabic numeral. 

Many thoughts flashed across his mind at once. His first instinct was that the teacher who marked this exam accidentally wrote an extra 0 at the end.