A Duck Talks to a Chicken

Jun Yexuan stared at Qiao Qing's blank looking face. Deep inside, he couldn't stop laughing. 

On the outside, however, he composed himself, "Alright, aunty."

Qiao Qing frowned violently, "Mom, can you stop this? Don't you know his identity?"

"So… so what!" He Wanqing said with her head held high, "Your dad was also a 'god' in everyone else's eyes, but he still found me. To me, you are the best! Don't belittle yourself!"

It was like a duck trying to talk to a chicken. 

Qiao Qing felt mentally exhausted as she exhaled deeply. Straightening up, she planned on going up to the study when He Wanqing stopped her, "Wait, baby."

Qiao Qing stopped herself and turned her face a little, "Speak."

"It's almost your grandpa's 66th birthday. What kind of gift should we give him?"