Interacting With a Dumb Donkey Like Him Lowers My IQ

"Who gives out gifts like this?"

"It looks like now that Qiao Zibo isn't home, his wife's days are hard."

"No matter how hard times are, isn't this too much? How can anyone give out something like this?"


As everyone mocked the mother and daughter duo, Ye Fan went to the side with his phone and made a call.

Ye Hong was relaxing on his balcony, eating grapes and viewing the moon. When he got the call, he said, "Hello? What you want?"

Ye Fan's words contained more meaning than they sounded, "Grandpa, are you sure you don't want to attend Elder Qiao's birthday gathering?"

"Isn't it enough that you are going alone? Why do I need to go? I don't want to be nice to that bastard at all."

Ye Fan, "…"

"They mistaken a pearl to be a fish eye, and they act like clowns being ordered around by their eldest son's family. Interacting with a dumb donkey like him lowers my IQ!"

Ye Fan, "…"