Play Go Against me? Her? She's not Worthy

Qiao Zhizhuo didn't feel too good but he didn't want to lose face in front of all these guests.

He nodded. "Yes, that's true."

"Exactly!" Friends of Qin Yongmei's also helped out, "What good is it to give expensive birthday gifts? Her grades are all over the place! She's known to be incapable and a good-for-nothing. She embarrasses the Qiao family! For her to have that image is far more humiliating!"

Qiao Nian's eyelid jolted – she had a bad premonition.

As expected, everyone heard He Wanqing's giggle next.

"I'm sorry to announce that Qingqing placed first in the latest all subject mock examination."

Qin Yongmei laughed out loud as well upon hearing this. She was just feeling down but now her heart lifted.