Young Master Jun Purposely Dropped the Ball

Qiao Qing was pulled in by the weight. Without the time to guard herself, all she managed to do was push forward her arms and steady them on the two sides of Jun Yexuan.

Jun Yexuan embraced her tightly and rested his chin against her shoulder, "I intoxicated myself in order to give you an opportunity. You better take advantage of it."

Qiao Qing, "..."

"Do you not know how many men and women want me? Only you don't even think about it. I bring myself to your front door and you refuse to see me. You silly girl who cannot tell what's good and what's bad. You are being spoiled yet you don't even appreciate it."

Qiao Qing, "..."

He then grabbed onto her tiny pair of hands and placed them on his collar, "You only get one chance. Once you miss it, you won't ever get it again."

Qiao Qing, "..."

The light inside the room was off. Only the moonlight shed in through the window, shining onto the eyes of these two.