Call Me Senior Once You Get In

When the MC announced the start of the competition, a handful of people went up. Then, they came back down after a sour defeat.

Because there was a camera set up and projected onto the screen, everyone saw how the games went. 

Everyone lost after only a few moves. 

When Su Qi, the honor student from Eighth High School, was wiped out, many unpleasant voices arose. 

"If they are already in the university, why are they here?"

"Yeah, so many kids in the third year of high school are counting on these extra credits. Aren't they just ending hopes for these people?"

Luo Jiahao from up on the stage coldly snickered, "We are doing this on purpose. So what? Why is it fair that we had to work our hardest for over a decade to get into UCC?" 

"Even for the extra credits offered, they were only granted for students hand picked by authorities. How can anyone just get extra credits by playing a Go game?"