Stop Talking Bullsh!t. Which One of You Three Wants To Go First?

Ye Fan acted as if he was terrified that Qiao Qing would change her mind due to what others had said about her. He quickly dashed off the stage.

Huffing and puffing, he said, "Qingqing, because I didn't get your approval, I didn't dare ask you to reveal your skills. However, it seems like you don't want the City of Brisk humiliated, so that's great! Ignore what those people just said, those people don't represent the City of Brisk."

He didn't give Qiao Qing a chance to react before he dragged her up on stage.

Luo Chen had a dumbfounded look on his face. Qiao Qing and the Go God had a good relationship?

He felt a dangerous crisis.

The city authority frowned and was about to step up and stop this when Yang Lianfeng blocked his way.

"Hello, I'm a City of Brisk high school teacher. Since the damage is done for the City of Brisk's reputation, why don't we risk it and believe her this once?"