Thank Me Using A Different Method

When they got to the room Qiao Qing slept in, Jun Yexuan saw the blood on the bedsheet and without a second word, he carried her next door, to where he slept.

During those moments, Qiao Qing's slippers had disappeared.

Jun Yexuan gently put her down onto the bed and wrapped her in a blanket. He leaned in and said directly above her, "I dare you to try and run away again."

Qiao Qing really thought this guy was unpredictable when it came to his mood. Before she even got to tell him she was thirsty, this man had left her side and was now searching around the room.

After some time, he left the room.

Qiao Qing sighed, pondering over what Jun Yexuan meant when he said what he said by the stairs.

After about 10 minutes, just as Qiao Qing was hazily falling asleep again, she heard the door open.

First was footsteps approaching. Next was a thump was heard on the bed stand.