The Prelude to Face Slapping

Just as she was about to chat up Cui Yan, the cellphone in her purse rang.

She picked up and her friend's voice passed over the phone, "There are three of us here and we are just missing you now. When are you getting here?"

Qin Yongmei's laughter could be heard for miles, "I'm not going today anymore. My daughter got admitted into UCC without even applying! I need to be here and host my company!"

After receiving some salty and congratulating sentences from the other end of the line, Qin Yongmei hung up.

When they got to the living room, Qin Yongmei began to shout up the stairs, "Niannian? Niannian? Come down! You got admitted into UCC!"

Cui Yan's brows folded into wrinkles. Qiao Qing's nickname is Niannian?

The butler standing on the side quickly answered, "Ma'am, the young miss went to play Go with the elder."