
The expression on He Wanqing's face dropped down immediately, "You must've bought this for yourself to wear! Get the hell out of here! Don't stand there and disgust me! My Qingqing has her own gown! I don't need you and your fakeness!"

Qin Yongmei was being yelled at but the smile remained on her face, "Wanqing, why don't you ever accept my niceness? The service lady told me that this gown looks extremely good when put on."

"If you don't believe me, tell Qingqing to come down and try it on. After all, different people have different taste. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean Qingqing won't. I think this looks great!"

He Wanqing, "Try it on my @ss! I told you, my daughter has her own gown! You can take your piece of trash of a gown and go wherever the hell you want!"