Crushed Into Pieces

With hair that curled like seaweed draping down her snow-white shoulders, her flawless face was soft like a baby. Her features were perfect and impossible to pick on.

At once, everyone at the scene were at loss for words to describe the beauty of the girl.

She walked on at ease and emitted the sense of nobility that she was born with. It made everyone around her feel like they've been robbed of their own beauty.

Most of the people here today were here for their birthday party.

If one described Qiao Qing, when she put in no effort, to be many times better looking than Qiao Nian.

Then Qiao Qing, when she does put in the effort, shouldn't even be compared to Qiao Nian.

It was like comparing a queen to the servant who washed her feet. To say they were night and day wouldn't even be an exaggeration.

Those who just talked down on Qiao Qing and said she was nothing compared to her cousin, all choked up.