Face Slapping

Everyone's heads turned to the entrance when they heard this. They watched as a man wearing a black suit walked in.

The moment they saw the man, nobody questioned his identity.

Not only was his beauty awe-inspiring, his every movement revealed his status as the wealthy and powerful young master.

Some people in this world didn't need IDs. They just needed to walk to introduce themselves.

Everyone looked back to the man who was combing Qiao Nian's hair, the man who claimed to be the son of a wealthy family. They all shook their heads.

They were both sons of wealthy families. Why were they so different?

Tao Yi, who sat in the middle of the guests, made a "huh?" noise, "Why's Luo Chen with young master Qi?"

Because Qi Yusen was far too good looking, Luo Chen, who was beside him, was easily overlooked and turned into the background.

As Luo Chen's mother, Tao Yi saw him right away.