Face Slapping In Progress

Qiao Nian and Qin Yongmei's spirit lifted at this news.

Xu Yingying smiled proudly, "For the Dean to come here at this time must mean he's here to hand Niannian her acceptance letter!"

"Niannian scored a score as high as 684 – higher than Ye Fan! It's set in stone that she's the City of Brisk's number one scholar this year!"

 She got a mark higher than Ye Fan.

"Today should the main stage for this city's number one scholar. Yet her older cousin stole her thunder. I feel bad for her."

Then, she looked over to Qiao Nian, "Female leads who use their sexuality to seduce men are normally just toys that wealthy men toss aside after they've had their fun. Niannian, don't feel bad about today. You're such a good person. There will be a man who has the eyesight to recognize just how great you are."

Xu Yingying's words helped calm down the depressing and angry air Qin Yongmei and Qiao Nian had in their chest.