This Slap Sure Is Loud

Everyone there all had the same question. Just what mark did she get for the Dean to want her so desperately?

Xu Yingying stepped out and vocalized everyone's curiosity, "Dean, did you get the wrong person? Niannian got 684 – higher than Ye Fan. Isn't she this year's number one scholar? How could it be that Qiao Qing scored higher?"

Cui Yan stood with his hands clasped behind his back. He turned his face around, "Full mark is 750. Qiao Qing scored 750. She didn't lose a single point. How can you say she didn't score as high? You tell me, should I or should I not try to keep her for everyone in our nation?"

His words had the same affect as a grenade. It exploded and turned everyone into unmoving wooden chickens. They all thought they were having delusional hearing.

After some moments of silence, the place once again turned into a boiling pot.

"My god, did I hear it wrong? You can get full marks on the exam?"