Birthday Wish

Then, he looked over to Qiao Nian and bragged, "Before, the Dean offered me a free ticket to the UCC. Someone mocked that the free ticket meant all sorts of people can get into UCC. What sort of person am I? Who am I? I'm someone who scored higher than you! I am someone who's getting into UCC because of my own capabilities!"

The last sign of color on Qiao Nian's face had drained. She collapsed onto the ground soullessly.

Qiao Ziwen, who'd been silent ever since Feng Heng proposed to Qiao Qing, finally sighed. He glared at Qin Yongmei, "Look at how the daughter you raised turned out!"

Then, he turned around and left in big leaps.

Qiao Zhizhuo however, chuckled and comforted Qiao Nian, "It's okay. It's okay. You did well."

Turning around, he then looked over to Qiao Qing, "Qingqing sure has brought honor to the Qiao family! You're more talented than your father! I have been blind, don't blame me."