
Qiao Qing was dragged away for two steps when she felt a grip on her other wrist. All of a sudden, she was being held by two men.

Jun Yexuan looked over to Feng Heng, "Let go!"

Feng Heng's eyes were cold, "Jun Yexuan, get out of my way!"

Jun Yexuan coldly snickered and his lips curled up, "You think I am a weak herbivore?!"

The bodyguards for these two noticed the tension and reached for the weapon tucked in their belts. The atmosphere immediately changed.

He Wanqing watched this scene in awe, "You kids, don't fight!"

Qiao Qing instantly flung those two people's hands off of her, "if you want to fight, fight outside."

Then, she walked away coldly.

Staring at Qiao Qing's back as she walked away, Jun Yexuan tugged at her collar, "Today is Qingqing's coming of age party. I'm not going to make a scene. After tonight, whether you want to duel or have a gang fight, I'll join you."