Between You And I, You Never Have to Say Thank You

"If you want to compliment my cooking, just say so." Jun Yexuan crossed his arms and said proudly, "Other than you, nobody's been lucky enough to eat my cooking."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Qing didn't roll her eyes. She thought about it and then said, "Thank you."

Jun Yexuan took out a napkin and dabbed at her slightly oily lips.

He had a serious expression on his face, "Between you and I, you never have to say thank you."

Qiao Qing was a little taken back. Just as she was about to turn away to avoid his touch, Jun Yexuan had taken back his hand. 

"I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed." Qiao Qing turned her head and headed up the stairs.

Jun Yexuan watched her as she walked away, he felt a wave of warmth wash over him and swell up his heart.

One day, he would walk into her heart.

The next day after breakfast, Luo Chen came to the Qiao manor to find Qiao Qing.