Take One Second To Mourn For Qiao Qing

Qiao Nian didn't think too much. She thought she was just being a lightweight.

She shook it off, leaned in, and asked nicely, "Cousin, are you drunk?"

Qiao Qing half-opened her eyes, "What is it?"

Qiao Nian felt a little hot but she did her best to ignore the discomfort.

She smiled, "I reserved rooms upstairs. If you are drunk, I can take you there to rest."

Though she was proposing something, before Qiao Qing could speak, she was already dragging Qiao Qing out of the room.

On her way out, she gave Xu Yingying a glance. 

Since Lin Xiyan was no good at declining others, she too, was drunk. 

When she noticed the exchange of glances between Qiao Nian and Xu Yingying, her heart thumped. 

"Qingqing." She forced herself to stand up and struggled her way to the door.

The moment she exited the room, she slammed into the arms of someone who had the faint scent of pine.