
The moment she picked up, she heard Qiao Ziwen's furious voice, "You two, get the f!ck over here right now!"


At the same time, Gao Meng was on his way home while whistling. 

All of a sudden, his vision went dark and a sack was pulled over his head.

"Who's there?! Who is it?!"

As he shouted with much panic, punches and kicks landed on him.

Gao Meng was screaming from being hit. Like a half beaten dog, he rolled around on the ground in the sack back and forth.

Only until his screaming dialed down and blood was seen on the sack, did the group of bodyguards stop. They then removed the sack.

The first thing Gao Meng saw when he gained his sight back was a demonic face. Instantly, he nudged backward from fear, "Jun… Jun…"

"Now you know to be scared?" Jun Yexuan's beautiful fingers played with a shiny blade he was holding, "You dare to set your eyes on my girl. You sure are gutsy."