It was Over For This Girl

Lin Xiyan quickly stepped forward to protect Qiao Qing. Though she wasn't any taller, she somehow managed to pull off looking like a hen protecting her chick. 

She pointed at Fu Siying's nose and straight-up lied, "Which one of your eyes saw her do it?! You were the one who wasn't careful and fell in!"

Fu Siying was shouted at twice in a row. She was now finally furious, "You stinky chick, who gave you the guts to talk to me in such a manner?!"

Then, she lifted her hand to slap Lin Xiyan.

Who knew that before her palm landed, it was intercepted.

Fu Siying stared at Qiao Qing, "You want to get hit as well?!"

Qiao Qing frowned, twisted her arm, and shoved her away.

Fu Siying was pushed aside. She crashed into a table that was set up on the side. 

With a "bang", everything on the table fell to the floor and broke into pieces.

The entire place stared at the broken shards on the ground and fell into an eerie silence.