Even Though You are Her Brother, I am Not Afraid To Steal Her Away From You

Qi Yusen's arm froze and his lips shut. 

Qiao Qing remained where she was. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating, but she felt like Qi Yusen got nervous after she asked him that question.

Just as she pondered over it, she felt her head being squeezed as she was being dragged into a warm embrace.

Qi Yusen's hug was not mixed with any impure emotions. His voice was shaking just a teeny tiny bit.

"Can you not ask that question and just stay by my side? I can fulfill any one of your wishes. I can spoil the heck out of you!"

He never planned on hiding this from her for too long, but he didn't expect her to be smart enough to guess it right away.

Qiao Qing paused. Though she didn't know the truth, she had a pretty good idea.

She sighed and patted his back, "Don't worry. I have dealt with troublesome aunts and uncles."

Qi Yusen's eyes brightened. 

Qiao Qing continued, "Also, thank you."