Those Who Don't Know Would Think You're in Love With Her

Just as the atmosphere was about to turn violent, Ning Ye walked in, "Young master, young master Mu came in with luggage."

Qi Yusen, "..."

"Brother Qi, you don't mind if I leech off some food here right?" Mu Jinghang smiled, sneaking his head into the door. 

On his way here to the Capital City, he begged and begged, and also swore on all his ancestors that he would not let the secret slip - that was the way he was able to find out the relationship between Qi Yusen and Qiao Qing.

That was the reason why those three could peacefully stay in one room. 

Qi Yusen, "... I mind."

Mu Jinghang's face twitched and he changed the subject and began to kiss @ss, "Brother Qi, are you painting a portrait of Qingqing? It's beautiful!"

Qi Yusen's hand that was holding onto the paintbrush froze and Qiao Qing looked up.