Enemies Often Cross Paths

Right after Chen Xiaoya shouted, Fu Siying walked in wearing her 16 inched sky-high heels. 

"I told you to be quiet in public places! What if others recognize me!?"

Chen Xiaoya immediately shut up.

Fu Siying raised her chin and swung back her hair as she walked up to the cashier. She acted as if everyone in here were ants pacing by her feet.

"What's the table that just cleared?"

The cashier felt awkward but remained respectful, "Miss, I'm sorry. The table that was cleared has been reserved by the lady here. You can wait here and once another table clears, I will call you."

Fu Siying's gaze landed on Qiao Qing's face. She froze then took off her sunglasses.

When she realized who Qiao Qing was, Fu Siying's face immediately dropped.

"Enemies sure cross paths often! Why did the country pumpkins from the City of Brisk come to the city?!"

Luo Chen immediately exploded, "Who the f!ck are you? Who are you calling country pumpkins?!"