If I Don't Respect You, You Would've Been Mine a Long Time Ago

Qiao Qing paused, "How dare you ask me to accept you when you don't even know how to respect me?!"

"What do you deem as respect?" Jun Yexuan cupped her face. His expression was unprecedentedly serious.

"Your personality is as cold as the tip of a mountain. If I don't make the move, when will you even spare me a look?"

"I don't want to be like Feng Heng. After three years, he's still right where he started."

"I want to grasp onto everything I want. I don't want to give anyone else any opportunity."

"I'm jealous because I care about you. He may be your brother, but he's still a man. The way he is obsessed with his sister is unacceptable!"

"You two even hugged in front of me. How can I not mind that?"

"Though I appear collected, I'm not someone who accepts any provocation."

"The only girl I let myself get close to are girls I love. I don't even look at other women twice."