Who the Hell Is This?

Qiao Qing made up her mind, "How about you do a different part-time job. In a while, 'Immortal' will start filming. You should go for an audition for the female lead."

Lin Xiyan shouted, "Ah?" Then said with an astounded face, "How come I didn't hear about that becoming a film?"

Qiao Qing, "... You don't believe me?"

"I do!" Lin Xiyan smiled, "Qingqing, stop joking with me. I've only been an extra for a movie once. How can I be the female lead? Even if I go audition, I won't get it."

Qiao Qing, "... Are you going or not?"

"... I'll go!" Lin Xiyan thought this whole thing was ridiculous. But towards Qiao Qing's demand, she couldn't decline. She just felt like this was all so strange.

"Since you let me know, then I'll go. I'll go even if I don't pass the first round."

Qiao Qing patted her head, "Prepare well. Don't treat it like it's not a big deal."