Giggling on the Outside, Cursing on the Inside

Mu Jinghang was sitting at the end of the table wearing a crown…

"It's… your birthday today?" Qiao Qing asked, confused.

Mu Jinghang defenselessly smiled, "That's right."

Inside, he was growling, today isn't my birthday!! 

It was his third brother who suddenly asked him this question - what reason would be able to get a girl to drink willingly?

How did he answer? A birthday party or a wedding?

At a wedding, the happy couple would bring alcohol around and ask people to drink. Who wouldn't take a drink in return?

And so… today became his birthday.

Why the hell didn't he make today his own birthday!

He felt extremely happy that he was still a single man. If he had a girlfriend, he would've had to have the wedding today.

Staring at the very obviously rush-bought cake, and the dishes that were indifferent from usual… Qiao Qing's expression was hard to describe.