The Instructor is...

It looked like Qi Yusen was actually about to ask Ning Ye to call the President of UCC. Qiao Qing hurriedly grabbed onto his sleeve, "Brother, it's not good to ask for special treatment when the semester just started."

"Yeah, it's true." Mu Jinghang agreed, "The military training for first years helps build relationships between students. Do you really want her to be a loner in school?"

Qi Yusen's lips gently quivered, "Then, just ask for the uniform."

Mu Jinghang shook his head and sighed. Thank god Qiao Qing didn't grow up alongside Qi Yusen, or else she would've grown up to be worthless. 

After breakfast, Qiao Qing and Luo Chen went to school together, then they waited for Lin Xiyan at the agreed-upon spot. The three of them walked to the sports field together. 

The three of them chatted and also scrolled on their phones. 

As they scrolled, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly widened. He stared at the phone screen, "what the actual f*** is happening!"