You Need To Trade With the Main Actress Role

As if she didn't realize, she asked, "That is.."

"She's the friend of the b!tch who stole my role! I get now why they say bad people all hang around together."

"Her friend stole my role, and she stole my title of being the prettiest girl in school. They surely are a great duo!"

Fu Xiuyu's gaze landed on Qiao Qing. He froze up and suddenly recalled the girl who was following her around the other day. Could it be...

His thought was interrupted by Fu Siying, "We are getting off-topic. Brother, I asked you to come so you could discuss the female lead role with director Shen."

"That b!tch is currently inside discussing the role with director Shen and actor Yi. Go talk to director Shen, ask him to use me instead."

Just then, with a crack, the door to the director's room opened.

Lin Xiyan saw the handsome and tall man standing there and was immediately petrified. 

Yin Shiqiong captured this and squinted her eyes.