So I'm Your Boyfriend Now

Qiao Qing pushed her hand back, "Luo Chen and I don't need this. Plus, this came from the Fu family. Fu Xiuyu owes you and your family. This is logically your money. On top of that, your father needs medicine to get well. You have strength and character, but it's not the right time to act them out."

When Lin Xiyan heard this, she tightened her fist around the bank card and nodded, "Qingqing, thank you."

Qiao Qing put down her arm and left, "I'm hungry. Let's go eat."

The moment she opened the door, she saw two men outside. 

The two men outside had a tense look on their faces and had no time to react when they were caught by Qiao Qing. 

Qi Yusen's lips quivered and he coughed, "Qingqing, I'm here to ask you to come and eat. I just got here!"

On the side, Jun Yexuan, "..."

The brother-in-law was being a chicken!

Qiao Qing, however, was relaxed towards her brother, "Let's go."

Jun Yexuan, "..."