When He's Not Around, I Can Use My Rights as the Boyfriend?

Qi Yusen, "Can't she just sit out on this performance?"

"Bro, she can't." Jun Yexuan said, "Qingqing just entered university. If she bails on group activity already, people will say she's being unfriendly."

Qi Yusen, "I think you're taking advantage of her!"

Jun Yexuan rubbed his nose, "Brother, we are already dating. Isn't it normal to be intimate?"

"She's not your girlfriend yet!" Qi Yusen shouted, "Even if she does accept you, she's only 18! If I ever find out about you doing unnamed things to her, I will never allow you two to be together! Even if doing that will make her hate me!"

Jun Yexuan responded with genuinity, "Brother, do not worry. I know where to draw the line."

Qi Yusen hissed coldly and left.

After Qi Yusen left, Jun Yexuan was silent for a long time before lifting up Qiao Qing's face, "I still don't have a title? Even if I don't ask about your background or your secrets, I still can't be your boyfriend?"