My Face Is For My Wife’s Eyes Only

"Plus, this dance doesn't even come close to how intimate real tango is. Everyone's an adult here. So what they're dancing with partners? Even if you don't know enough to appreciate it, you don't need to be so harsh."

"You… Do you know who she is? She's the famous-"

"It's okay." Yi Shiqiong interrupted Fu Siying, who wanted to fight for her. She simply glared at the girl who spoke and acted like she was too cool to fight.

Since Qi Yusen had seen those two practice many times, he was rather calm.

In the other corner, Feng Heng's face was now as dark as the bottom of a pan.

Qi Feng could clearly sense the freezing cold air emitted off of the Sect Leader's body. Without even realizing it, he shuddered. An ugly fight sure will break out after the performance.

Luo Chen sat in the audience and watched Qiao Qing without blinking. His classmate had an arm resting on his shoulder.