Are You Two Together Now?

Jun Yexuan took over Qiao Qing's hand, "Can we go now?"

Qiao Qing nodded, "Let's go."

Though there was a lot of drama with those last two performances, they had now been resolved.

Cui Yan's assistant said, "Dean, I'm sorry you had to witness such a joke tonight."

Cui Yan shook his head. "They are all too young."

"That's true." Jing He agreed, "But Qiao Qing sure is a surprise. Not only is she a great Go player, she's also skilled at playing the zither."

Cui Yan raised his eyebrow, "That's true. When I first met her, I thought she had purposely concealed her true capabilities. Or else I never would've saved that admission spot for her, especially after seeing how her historic grades have been."

Tian Zhen got up to leave. However, when she heard what Cui Yan had just said, she froze.

She thought of something and then walked away, ugly in the face.