You Want an Explanation? I Will Give You One

Qiao Qing was surprised, "You're not scared others will freeze you out for talking to me?"

"They can if they want. I don't like them either. We've all been together for a month now yet they are acting like they're better just because of one internet post? What is that about? The Dean is a highly respected figure. He has his reasons for choosing who he likes."

She then looked over to Qiao Qing, bright-eyed, "I'm sure you have other areas of specialties that are better than ordinary people."

Qiao Qing smiled. She was about to say something when someone from the side snorted, "Birds of a feather flock together. For a pretty face, some people sure are willing to do anything."

Chen Nanfeng glared at Tian Zhen, "My god, are you ill? Willing to do anything? Just because you got a high score on an exam, you think you're a better person than everyone else? You think for sure you'll do better than everyone else once you enter society?"