Take Off Your Pants

Qi Yuyang was also displeased, "You haven't even called me 'fourth brother' yet!"

Qiao Qing, "..."

Qi Yusen pulled Qi Yuyang to the side. "Enough, you two, stop pressuring her. Wouldn't it be better for things to roll out naturally?"

Qiao Qing sighed in relief and her gaze landed on Qi Yunyan's legs. 

Qi Yunyan noticed her stare and his eyes dimmed, "My legs don't work well. Despite this, I can still do a lot for Qingqing. Can you not dislike me because of it?"

Qiao Qing didn't speak. She extended her hands and applied pressure on his knees. As she did so, she fell deep in thought. 

Qi Yunyan was confused, "Qingqing, you have some medical knowledge?"

Before Qiao Qing could speak, Mu Jinghang had already nodded, "She does. Every time my third brother gets hurt, Qiao Qing would tend his wounds. Plus, she reads medical books all day long."

Qi Yunyan heard the first half of Mu Jinghang's statement and narrowed his eyes.