Face Slapping in Progress

Mu Jinghang stared at the man beside him and said, "Third bro, Yi Shiqiong also has this many fans?"

Jun Yexuan chuckled, "Don't you know the word, 'extras'?"

Mu Jinghang slapped his own forehead, "No wonder! That's why I thought they all looked similar in age and are all rather similar looking. They got so many people to come! That girl sure is doing everything she can so she doesn't look bad in front of my sister-in-law!"

Qi Yuyang on the side slammed the table, "You aren't allowed to call my little sister that!"

Mu Jinghang, "..."

Not only did the MC and the boys see through this, but the media reporters also noticed this. They all exchanged glances and discussed, "How come Feng Ci's fans are of diverse demographic but Yi Shiqiong only has young girl fans?"

Someone else said, "I find that strange as well."