Face Slap Continued

Though Mr. Ruan Ling didn't try to say anything to defend Qiao Qing, by standing by Qiao Qing's side, Cheng Suyun's previous remarks lost all credibility. 

Qiao Qing's fans couldn't help but look at Cheng Suyun scornfully. 

Cheng Suyun listened to the chatters and her face turned red and white.

Guo Yunxia on the other hand looked grey in the face.

Yi Shiqiong's lips were now bleeding from her clenching but she didn't even realize. As she stared at Ruan Ling standing beside Qiao Qing, her jealousy swallowed her whole. 

An entrepreneur wearing a suit stepped out, "What caused a UCC professor to lie with her eyes open? Why did she purposely attack someone with talent? And why was she talking up someone who has no achievement?!"

Just then, a loud voice shouted from afar, "I know the answer!"

Everyone looked over and saw a young man rushing in.