I'm Here for You

Yi Shiqiong heard all of this and all the sadness she felt disappeared.

It was true. No matter how capable Qiao Qing was, she was nothing compared to a prominent family in the Capital City. 

Even celebrities who earn millions per film want to marry into a rich family - let alone a writer, who earns a lot less.

If it weren't for… she never would've gotten this opportunity.

Luo Chen almost laughed out loud after he heard what Fu Siying had to say.

First of all, Qiao Qing was the granddaughter of the Qi family - a highly sought-after individual.

Next, the number one prominent family in the Capital City was the Jun family.

The power holder of the Jun family and the CEO of the Jun corporation was Qiao Qing's boyfriend.

What's she got to compare? Against Yi Shiqiong? That was the funniest joke he's heard all year!