How did it Feel to be Spoiled by his Girl?

Jun Yexuan looked over to Yi Feili and his pretty eyes narrowed. 

Yi Feili didn't seem to notice his ferocious stare. He came up to Qiao Qing, "Darling, don't I get any rewards for crossing the ocean to help you?"

His nickname for Qiao Qing made Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen's faces drop.

Jun Yexuan was about to holler at Mu Jinghang when he realized that Mu Jinghang's father had taken him away. 

So he went up to Yi Feili himself, "How about I reward you with a punch in the face?"

Yi Feili glared at him before he rested his eyes on Qiao Qing. 

"Darling, you chose someone whose personality is similar to mine. Did you miss me so much that you had to find yourself a clone?"

Anger flashed across Jun Yexuan's eyes. He was about to erupt when he felt warmth on the back of his hand. 

He lowered his head and what he saw made him freeze. All the fury in his heart dissipated and he let her hold him.