Is there Something Going on Between You and Mu Jinghang?

Fu Xiuyu's heart shook violently, "I feel so lucky that Yanyan has a friend like you. And I...I wasn't able to protect her at my worst. But from now on, I will protect her."

Qiao Qing didn't say anything more and went home.

When she got home, she was faced with four men's gazes.

"You… you aren't sleeping?" Qiao Qing glanced at her watch and started to sweat a little.

"I'm about to." Qi Yusen put away the laptop he had on his lap and walked over to lift Qiao Qing's hand. 

Just then, a crash sound arose from the entrance, followed by a painful shriek.

Everyone looked over to the door and saw a bed sheet-like item rolled out on the ground. Beneath the head was a moving human head.

Qi Yusen quickly pulled Qiao Qing behind him, "What's that?"

Jun Yexuan remembered that familiar voice and his brows jolted. He walked over and kicked it.

"AYO! Which son of a b!tch kicked me?!"