To Me, She's Greater Than Life

Lou Yufei's body shook. Everyone at the table exchanged glances. 

Jun Tianlin said, "Feifei, come sit with uncle."

Jun Yexuan glared at him.

Jun Tianlin, "Don't look at me like that. I've been wanting to make some statements for a while. Why do you look at me like that?"

"Feifei is the daughter of the Lou family. The number one descendant of the martial arts family and the number one car racer. What can't she do that that girl of yours can?"

"For her, you left the corporation and went to the City of Brisk. You stayed there for months! For her, you exiled your brother and fired Chi Yang, who's always been a loyal servant of the family."

"Do you know what everyone in the company, and what everyone in the family, say about you? You have no principle!"

"A commoner like her used god knows what tactics to seduce you and screw with your judgments."

"So she wrote a few books. She thinks she can fly above others because of that?"