Because He Bullied Big Pork Hock!

The moment he spoke, he realized he had asked an unnecessary question.

He was third on the hacker's ranking. Only two people were better than him. 

He couldn't figure out a way to defeat the hacker, yet Qiao Qing succeeded in a few seconds.

Who was she, if not Q?!

It wasn't just him who realized this. Everyone else all realized this.

Qiao Qing ignored him and continued to type aggressively.

This time, nobody dared to look down on her and instead, were fixated on the screen.

The shock Mu Jinghang was felt could not simply be described as astounded. He felt waves of shock to his system over and over again.

Qiao Qing was Q?!

The Q they've been looking for?!

This world must be a fantasy world!

"Just how many identities does my sister-in-law possess? Oh my god!"

Mu Jinghang muttered and couldn't help but look over to Jun Yexuan.