Date Openly Under Bright Sunlight

Right after she spoke, a magnetic voice arrived from the door.

"There were pictures taken of us because Ms. Lou was shameless and kept on bothering me. Why did I go watch the car races? It's to watch those male racers."

"I went to those races to track down the God of Racing. I'm fine if a certain someone and her fans choose to be delusional. But I cannot forgive you for making my girlfriend misunderstand."

Just then, Jun Yexuan went up to Qiao Qing, sat down beside her, and embraced her. 

"Actually, I want to thank Ms. Lou for exposing my relationship with Qingqing. Now, we can date openly under bright sunlight."

His words made Lou Yufei feel like she'd been slapped in the face. It hurt.

She glared at the couple and began to shake from fury.

Qiao Qing's fans and other customers who were uninvolved all began to giggle.

That slap landed squarely on her face. It sure was loud.