You Promiscuous Man! You Aren’t Good Enough for My Little Sister!

Due to that, Lou Yufei got the most fans. 

Mu Jinghang saw the makeup of the viewers and instantly cursed, "Lou Yufei and her fans all must be delusional!"

All around the arena, Lou Yufei's fans were holding onto all sorts of flashy signs. 

Some of them were okay.

"Feifei, the deemed winner!"

"Feifei, bravely fly! Your fans will be with you!"

"Goddess Feifei is here to make our country proud!"

Some of the signs were weird.

"Goddess Feifei, win the competition, defeat Qiao Qing, and take back third young master Jun!"

"Goddess Feifei, only you are good enough for third young master Jun!"

"Goddess Feifei, do your best and win! Third young master Jun will change his mind!"


A bunch of people were waving around their signs, shouting, and cheering Lou Yufei on.